Trusted by Over 24,000+ Users

Features Built Directly For You


All-in-One Efficiency 

Leap helps you manage more in one place, from leads & estimates to project workflow & communications.

Excellent Customer Experience

Get all the help you need to grow your business from a team that’s been in your shoes and prioritizes your success.

Your Revenue, Your Way

Protect your margins and earn more on every sale with features that help grow your business today and in the future.

Convert More Prospects
Into Customers

Automate lead capture, routing, distribution, and prioritization to the right sales rep to drive a winning strategy that maximizes the chances of closing a sale.


Seamless Teamwork
& Communication

Set up real-time lead alerts to notify sales reps or teams the moment a new lead is captured, so they can respond promptly. Company-wide collaboration and homeowner communications have never been easier or faster.

Convert More Prospects
Into Customers

Automate lead capture, routing, distribution, and prioritization to the right sales rep to drive a winning strategy that maximizes the chances of closing a sale.


Say Goodbye to the Painful Process

Hear from one of our customers on how to ditch the repetitive steps and start saving time and money with workflow automation from Leap. You can’t make a mistake with Leap.