Features Built Directly For You

Estimates in Seconds

With EagleView's detailed measurement reports, easily create detailed estimates in Leap in a fraction of the time. Without this simple workflow, contractors and sales reps have to hand measure and guesstimate how much material is ordered. Skip the math errors, missed or inaccurate pricing and data entry. 


Training Sales Reps How to Measure

Struggling to train new sales reps how to measure or looking to reduce your sales training? Leap and EagleView have partnered to bring you a simple sales process that eliminates typical errors made in the field and get your new reps trained quickly. 

Automatic Sync

Automatically push project details from Leap into your Project Map It portfolio.  Impress homeowners with a visual portfolio and ace your sales presentation. From google search to estimate in hand, make every step count. 

Automatically sync project details

Automatic Sync

Automatically push project details from Leap into your Project Map It portfolio.  Impress homeowners with a visual portfolio and ace your sales presentation. From google search to estimate in hand, make every step count. 

Automatically sync project details

Elevated Customer Experience

To build rapport and stand out from competitors during your sales presentation, build estimates right at the kitchen table, show the homeowner the customer portal, and provide estimates right away.

Customer Experience

When Margins Count, Accuracy Matters

Rob Soper, Business Development at EagleView, shares why using EagleView and Leap make a margin difference in your workflow. 

Ready to Learn More?

Schedule a demo to learn how Leap Team can help your business.

Find Answers To Common Questions about Leap Team

Q1. Who is Leap Team for?

Leap Team is perfect for professional remodeling teams looking to get more efficient and grow their business.

Q2. Can I use any integration partners with Leap Team?

Yes, Leap Team comes with deep integrations with some of the top companies in the industry. You can connect your tech stack to Leap Team at no extra cost.

Q3. What devices can I use with Leap Team?

Leap Team is available on desktop as well as Android and iOS devices at no extra charge. 

Q4. What does Leap Team onboarding include?

Leap Team comes with custom onboarding sessions with your onboarding specialist. Our team will make sure you are set up for success and understand how to make the most of your subscription.